Week 1: 3.28 - 4.1
M: General introduction, overview and conceptual orientation to the topic of Power Engineering. For those who weren't here, the class was assigned to thorougly read and study Ch-1. Some quick notes from the first day: Why are non-linear switches used in power engineering? What is an "engineering model"? Why do we need to learn about "magnetic circuits"? What is a magnetic circuit anyway?
W: Discussion of ch-1. Please study the entire chapter before coming to class. I will display pages from this chapter and discuss concepts and topics. Hw-1 will be handed out.
F: Finish general introduction.
Week 2: 4.4 - 4.8
Fundamental background topics: review of phasors, complex power and introduction to magnetic circuits.
M: Review of phasors.
W: Finish phasors, discuss complex power and rms, and begin magnetic circuits. You should study Ch-7 on magnetic circuits and the lecture note on the same topic.
F: Begin magnetic circuits.
Week 3: 4.11 - 4.15
General overview of magnetic circuits
M: Magnetic circuits, Ampere's and Faraday's laws.
W: Magnetic circuits. Flux laws; Reluctance.
F: Magnetic circuits. Ideal transformer; impedance transformation; power conservation
input / output phasor relations.
Week 4: 4.18 - 4.22
M: The Non-ideal transformer engineering models; B-H curves, eddy current.
W: Switched power poles (ref. Ch-1, 2 text). Texbook conventions
F: Duty cycle, average power and voltage, RMS; Buck boost regulator circuit.
Week 5: 4.25 - 4.29
M: We will begin focussing on real devices, their static and dynamic performance parameters. Reverse engineering of the lab board with a technical review of components used will be the focus of our discussions.
W: Continuation of topics introduced on Monday. Review of datasheets and important parameters.
F: Thermal design considerations; Buck Regulator overview. Lab next week is on the Buck Regulator.
Week 6: 5.2 - 5.6
Introduce the PSpice simulator, detailed discussion of the Buck Converter.
Week 7: 5.9 - 5.13
Ch-3 and Lab-2; engineering model for non-ideal capacitors.
F: Hw-4 assigned
Week 8: 5.16 - 5.20
Ch-4: Feedback Controller; Lab-3.
Week 9: 5.23 - 5.27
Ch-5: Utility input rectification converters (AC-DC).
3-phase power (theory)
Week 10: 5.30 - 6.3
Ch-6: Power Factor Correction circuits.
Ch-9 Switch-Mode DC supplies.